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10 Bold Moves That Guarantee Wealth

Everyone fantasizes about winning the lottery and becoming wealthy suddenly. People aspire to be wealthy.

Being wealthy is about more than just money.

Being wealthy is a mental condition.

In certain ways, you can be wealthy and still be poor, and vice versa.

If you want to become wealthy, you need to make bold moves and you should have ambitious goals.

In this post, I am going to show you 11 bold moves to get wealthy.


1. Invest in your Skill.

First, you should identify the skills you have, you may have more than once, and you may have more than one area you like.

But focusing on one will make a huge impact in the long run.

Make it your objective to be the best at one thing:

This is how you do it:

  • work on it
  • train for it
  • learn it
  • practice it
  • analyze it
  • refine it

If you’re good at anything, you’ll probably be able to make a lot of money from it.

For example:

If you’re a writer, you may look through the New York Times Bestseller list to find the top ten authors you admire.

Learn more about these authors, including what they did to achieve success and some of their work.

By studying successful historical models, invest time and work in enhancing your own craft.


2. Start Investing as Early as Possible

Everyone wishes to become wealthy quickly.

However, a goal like this isn’t easy to achieve in a short amount of time.

Instead of focusing on how to get rich quickly, set a goal of saving $100,000.

The modest amounts you save on a daily basis add up.

Even if you can just put aside $5 or $10 at a time, each of these investments will help you build a strong financial foundation.

You can start with this Couse The Complete Investor Accelerator Pack.


3. Cut your expenses

The biggest problem for many people is they spend more than they earn.

Living below your means will be the easiest to get rich. Keep track of how much you’re spending on a regular basis.

Make sure you always know how much money you have and where it’s going by using an app or an Excel spreadsheet.

This gives you a chance to analyze and fine-tune what makes sense and what doesn’t in terms of your expenditure.

Begin by reducing your non-essential expenses.

Do everything you can to save money on your bills,

such as:

  • turning off the lights,
  • planning meals to save money at the grocery store,
  • dining at home with discipline.

Concentrate your life on simply the necessary, and you’ll save a lot more money than you did before.


4. Make Saving as a Habit

Create savings objectives and practices to help you achieve them.

Figure out what methods of conserving money work best for you, and modify what doesn’t.

Separate savings accounts, as well as automatic withdrawals, are available at many banks.

You save passively and don’t have to make an effort not to save by setting up these automatic transfers.

Another option is to gradually raise your savings by 1% at intervals of your choosing.

It will appear minor at first, but as time passes, you will notice a difference.


5. Develop Passive Income Streams

Look for ways to make passive income.

Passive income means, you get money without spending your active time, once you get those pay cheques it hit differently.

You will start to look at money differently.


Here are examples of passive income you can start with a small amount of money:

  • Rental income
  • Investing in Dividend Stocks
  • Sponsored posts on social media
  • Affiliate commissions

And there are many more…


6. Develop a Property

Purchasing, developing, and selling real estate has always been a popular way for people to build wealth.

Borrowing could be an important part of this strategy.

Let’s say you borrow $200,000 and put $50,000 down to purchase a $250,000 home.

The property is thereafter developed and sold for $400,000.

Although the property’s value has climbed by 60%, your $50,000 has grown fourfold to $200,000.

You must choose the correct properties in the right regions and strategically develop them.


7. Start to Build a Stock Portfolio

You can make a steady income stream if you can make consistent stock investments over time, chose properly, and reinvest your dividends.

Stocks, of course, may go either way, and many small investors lose hope when their portfolio falls.

But, in the long run, equities are just as good as real estate and far more liquid.

For individuals with cash and strong nerves, stock market crashes are excellent buying opportunities.

I share my portfolio with my subscribers for free every month.

In that newsletter, I share:

  • stocks I am buying
  • the price I am willing to buy more,
  • if I reduce a position I will notify the subscribers.

You can Subscribe Now


8. Join a start-up

Using the same potential consideration of start-up in the preceding points,

Having stock in one or more start-up firms might be a lucrative investment if the company succeeds and either floats or is sold to a larger corporation.

The chances aren’t favorable because only a small percentage of start-ups succeed in reaping big capital gains.

You can, however, use your judgment to determine which business concept and management team are most likely to succeed.

Do the research before jumping on this.


9. Learn from the Job

Earn the experience through various levels of work,

And when you believe you’ve gotten everything you can out of it,

Adding additional experience in a variety of areas can make you a more valuable asset to firms and a better candidate for higher-ranking


10. Invest Wisely

Investing is more than a game of chance

A single financial blunder might wipe out a significant portion of your assets

So, whenever you’re considering an investment, whether it’s in real estate or stocks think twice

Here is my Best Course to Learn how to Invest Wisely. 

Or learn how the experts in the field have achieved

As an example:

Warren Buffett recommended investing 10% of your capital in short-term government bonds and 90% in a very low-cost S&P 500 index fund.

Lessons from Warren Buffet to get Wealthy


To Conclude:

There are many things in life that are more important than accumulating cash.

Who wants to be wealthy, unloved, alone, and unhealthy?

But, if you can live a balanced life while also being wealthy, why not do so?

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and got some valuable lessons.




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