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📝Tech Writer | 👨‍💻Digital Creator |🥷Twitter Growth Strategist

The Biggest 10 Mistakes I Made on Twitter

Engaging Less

The best way to get people to pay attention to you is to engage with them.

Learn from Big Account in Your Niche

Use DMs

Optimize Your Bio

In your Bio, you should answer these three questions:

Thread is the Real Hack

You are not expecting to Go Viral

You dont need to learn how Twitter Algorithm works

Take Advantage of Analytics

Reuse Old Content

Use Twitter List

Tweet Hunter List and Twitter List

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. To Grow Your Twitter Account? here is all you need to start. (500+ students are learning)
    1. Exact Strategies I used to grow my Twitter account (growing +10K followers/month)
  2. ​Get my Favorite 100+ Tweet Templates 
    1. Tweet templates I used gained Millions of Impressions/tweets



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